Imam Khomeini maintained that Islam can provide political theory for societies.

Imam Khomeini had a firm conviction that Islam is a comprehensive religion and can provide a political theory for a society.

ID: 80508 | Date: 2024/07/01
In his political will Imam writes:

“Unlike other atheist schools of thought, Islam take into account all aspects of human life, that is, individual, social, physical, spiritual, cultural, political, economic and military affairs of life. Islam does not leave any point helpful for the material and spiritual development of man and society untouched. Islam elaborates on the obstacles of such development in society and teaches how to remove them.”

Imam Khomeini even disagrees with those who try to justify the political thought of Islam with the help of un-Islamic sources. In this regard he says:

“Be sure that Islam can provide justice, independence, freedom, economic equality without relying on the teachings of other schools of thought.”

Imam Khomeini bases his ideas on theological accounts. He refers to some of the Qur'anic verses and narration from the infallible Imams (a). In his speeches he affirms that political and economic system of Islam has not been worked out seriously.

He refers to the following verses of the Qur'an to support his views:

.We have not neglected anything in the Book...
nor any green nor dry but (it is all) in a clear book.

There are also certain narration indicating that necessary rulings are not entrusted to man.

Keeping in view to these verses and narration some of the scholars of Qur'an concluded that it is possible to propound a political or economic theories

Yet it does not mean that we have to ignore the outcomes of scientific works in persuading our task.

In order to understand the particular characteristics of a religion, one should refer to the dominating element of that religion. With this view in mind Imam Khomeini developed a comprehensive outlook in the light of which he exercised his ijtihad and developed his political thought as well. Thus, in order to study Imam's views on the relation between religion and politics one should study his general outlook. In his Tahrir al-Wasilah, he writes:

“Islam is the religion of politics with its all dimensions. It is very clear for those who have the least knowledge of political, economic and social aspects of Islam. Thus, anybody maintaining that religion is separate from politics , has no knowledge of religion and politics.”

According to Imam Khomeini, the Qur'an contains political and social issues more than ethical and ritual (personal) matters. Even the rituals mentioned in the holy Qur'an are politically oriented. Thus, it can be stated that politics intermingled with rituals and vice versa Take, for instance, the following ethical maxim of Islam : “All faithful are brothers” is a socio-political commandment. Such brotherhood is not limited to a country but covers all the Muslims throughout the of the world. That is, if all Muslims establish brotherhood with each other, they can easily defeat the enemies.

Rituals in Islam are identical with political issues, The Friday prayers and Hajj pilgrimage which are two important rituals and are indeed , politically significant for an Islamic society. On the necessity of offering Friday prayer sermons, Imam Khomeini says:

“It is for an Imam of Friday prayer to talk about the religious and worldly interests of the Muslims during his Friday prayer sermons, and inform them of condition of Muslims in other countries and bring to their notice their interests as well. He should talk to them about their religious and worldly requirements, refer to economic and political issues, inform them of their relations with other countries and elaborate on the interference of colonial powers in their countries.”

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Islam is a comprehensive religion, Imam Khomeini stressed