President Rouhani says US policy of `maximum pressure` on Iran failed to achieve goals

President Rouhani says US policy of 'maximum pressure' on Iran failed to achieve goals

Iran's President Hassan Rouhani says the US policy for exerting 'maximum pressure' on Iran has already failed and all economic indexes show that the country has weather the worst phase of that policy.

Sunday, February 16, 2020 05:26

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40 days ago, US killed a man who first rushed to Iraq’s aid against Daesh

40 days ago, US killed a man who first rushed to Iraq’s aid against Daesh

Iranians are marking the 40th day since the United States assassinated Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani in Iraq, where he was seen as the driving force behind over four years of battles that led to the collapse of Daesh, the world’s most notorious terror group.

Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:47

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Thousands of Iranians mark 40th day after Lt. Gen. Soleimani’s martyrdom

Thousands of Iranians mark 40th day after Lt. Gen. Soleimani’s martyrdom

Thousands of Iranians gather at Tehran’s iconic Imam Khomeini Grand Prayer Grounds (Mosalla) to mark 40 days since the martyrdom of senior Iranian anti-terror commander Lieutenant General Qassem Soleimani and his companions in an airstrike by terrorist US forces outside Baghdad International Airport.

Thursday, February 13, 2020 10:31

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President Rouhani says US terrorism targets entire Iranian nation

President Rouhani says US terrorism targets entire Iranian nation

President Hassan Rouhani says terrorist measures taken by the United States against Iran actually target the entire nation to make Iranians give in to US demands.

Monday, February 10, 2020 08:17

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The Islamic Republic of Iran stands tall despite 41-year US siege

The Islamic Republic of Iran stands tall despite 41-year US siege

Predicting the imminent downfall of the Islamic Republic has been a staple among American pundits since the victory of the Islamic Revolution in Iran 41 years ago. Amazingly, despite incessant attempts at regime change by the US and its cohorts, Iran has survived and, in some ways, managed to flourish. Yet very few in the West have acknowledged the Islamic Republic’s longevity and fewer still have studied the factors behind this country’s remarkable robustness.

Friday, February 07, 2020 08:16

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President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Rouhani says national unity prevented US from defeating Iran

President Hassan Rouhani says the Americans did all in their power to bring Iran to its knees, but they failed to achieve that goal thanks to the nation’s strong unity and vigilance.

Wednesday, February 05, 2020 01:20

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 EU rejects Trump’s anti-Palestine Mideast scheme, annexation

EU rejects Trump’s anti-Palestine Mideast scheme, annexation

The European Union’s top diplomat rejects the annexation clause featured in US President Donald Trump’s Middle East plan, which is widely viewed as a scheme aimed at sidestepping international law and legitimizing Israel’s occupation of Palestinian territories.

Tuesday, February 04, 2020 04:33

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