The special meeting of cultural council on the eve of 34th anniversary of Imam Khomeini`s heavenly passing.

The special meeting of cultural council on the eve of 34th anniversary of Imam Khomeini's heavenly ...

Place: THE INSTITUTE FOR COMPILATION AND PUBLICATION OF IMAM KHOMEINI'S WORKS Date: May 8, 2023 Participants: The presence of Hojjat al-Islam and al-Muslimeen Ali Kamsari, the head of the Institute for editing and publishing the works of Imam Khomeini (pbuh) and representatives of ministries, organizations

Thursday, May 11, 2023 11:48

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Imam Khomeini’s Approach to Political Struggle

Imam Khomeini’s Approach to Political Struggle

The focus of this paper is analysis of methods used by Imam Khomeini in his struggles until the victory of the Islamic Revolution. The main question of this paper is: What was Imam Khomeini’s approach to violence and nonviolence in his political struggles against the Shah’s regime?

Wednesday, May 03, 2023 05:04

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The Idea of Ommah in Imam Khomeini`s Political Thoughts

The Idea of Ommah in Imam Khomeini's Political Thoughts

By studying the terminology used by Imam Khomeini, it is concluded that the concept of "nation" is a marginal one, in relation with the concept of "Ommah" In fact, Imam Khomeini has not negated nationalism with the meaning of national authority in his comments, but he has negated ethnicity and clanship and their undesirable impact as the factors of separation among Islamic Ommah.

Tuesday, March 21, 2023 05:23

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A summit of directors held to coordinate about promoting Imam’s ideals.

A summit of directors held to coordinate about promoting Imam’s ideals.

Date: March 5, 2023 Site or place: Tehran, the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works Participants: Directors of various departments held a gathering at the institute for compilation and publication of Imam Khomeini’s works Head of the conference: Dr. Hojjat al-Islam Ali Komsari, the head of the institute Contents:

Monday, March 06, 2023 10:36

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Jurisprudential principles of Imam Khomeini`s ruling against Salman Rushdie

Jurisprudential principles of Imam Khomeini's ruling against Salman Rushdie

Author: Seyed Mohammad Mousavi Year: 2008 University: Imam Khomeini Higher Educational center at al-Mustafa International University

Tuesday, February 14, 2023 10:59

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