Ali ibn al-Hussein, the Greatest Blessings

Imam Khomeini:

Ali ibn al-Hussein, the Greatest Blessings

By the Beloved! Ali ibn al-Hussein was one of the greatest blessings which Allah, the Most High, had bestowed upon His servants as a grace, bringing him down from the sacred world of Proximity, for the sake of teaching the ways of servitude to His servants

Monday, June 25, 2012 09:35

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Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

Supplications of the Month of Sha`ban Are the Greatest Sources of Divine Teachings

Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

I extend my felicitations for this great and glorious Islamic-religious feast to the respected audience and the authorities of the country and to the rest of the oppressed strata of the world and especially to the glorious nation of Iran. Today we are in the blessed month of Sha`ban, and the supplications of Sha`ban are among the greatest and most glorious of Divine teachings and are among the biggest affairs, which those that are of the pious can to the extent of their understanding benefit from them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 01:26

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 Muharram and Ashura


Muharram and Ashura

Muharram is the first month of the Islamic calendar, when Muslims commemorate the martyrdom of Imam Hussein (as), the grandson of the Prophet Mohammad (saw) and the third Imam and leader of the Shi'a. Imam Hussein's (as) martyrdom is a sad day for all Muslims especially the Shi'a, who mourn the massacre of their "Master of Martyrs" and his family in Karbala in 61AH/680CE.

Sunday, November 27, 2011 12:11

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