Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

Supplications of the Month of Sha`ban Are the Greatest Sources of Divine Teachings

Blessings of the Lunar Month Sha`ban

I extend my felicitations for this great and glorious Islamic-religious feast to the respected audience and the authorities of the country and to the rest of the oppressed strata of the world and especially to the glorious nation of Iran. Today we are in the blessed month of Sha`ban, and the supplications of Sha`ban are among the greatest and most glorious of Divine teachings and are among the biggest affairs, which those that are of the pious can to the extent of their understanding benefit from them.

Saturday, June 23, 2012 01:26

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Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The Prophet of Islam, the Noblest of Beings and the Most Perfect Human Being

Expansion of Monotheism and Presentation of the Truth of the World, Goal behind Mission of Prophets

The universe was never before and will never after be graced with a blessing such as the sacred being of the Noble Messenger of Islam. This auspicious being is the noblest of God's creations, the most perfect human being ever, and is the greatest guide of mankind. [1]

Sunday, June 17, 2012 01:29

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Introduction of Knowledge, Main Ideal of Revelation


Introduction of Knowledge, Main Ideal of Revelation

The principal ideal of revelation has been to bring knowledge for man, knowledge of the truth being the topmost of them.

Sunday, June 17, 2012 09:13

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Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration Committee’s Announcement

Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration Committee’s Announcement

The central committee of Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration has published an announcement on the occasion of the 23rd demise anniversary of Imam Khomeini.

Saturday, May 26, 2012 12:36

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Mohammad Ali Ansari’s Press Conference

Details of Secretary of Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration Committee’s Press Conference

Mohammad Ali Ansari’s Press Conference

Imam’s demise anniversary should be the symbol of fulfillment of his dream of unity. Imam’s commemoration ceremony isn’t a ceremony for a group or movement to show their power but it’s a symbol of unity of all those who are faithful to Imam and his thoughts.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:02

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The Necessity of Respecting the Reporters during the National Ceremony of June 3rd

Abdul Rasoul Wesal Criticizes the Organizations that Don’t Cooperate with the Media

The Necessity of Respecting the Reporters during the National Ceremony of June 3rd

The secretary of the PR Committee of Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration emphasized on the cooperation of all organizations with the media for the TV and news coverage of the 23rd Demise Anniversary of Imam Khomeini ceremony.

Monday, May 21, 2012 11:54

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In Honor of Imam Khomeini’s 110 Birthday

In Honor of Imam Khomeini’s 110 Birthday

On September 24th, 1902, a man was born that without doubt was one of the brightest lights of Islam in the last one hundred years.

Saturday, May 12, 2012 10:10

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The Imam’s 1989 Nowruz Statement

The Imam Invites Iranians to put Behind Carnal Desires

The Imam’s 1989 Nowruz Statement

On the 21st of March 1989, the Imam once again addressed the Iranian nation on Nowruz. In this statement he encouraged Iranians to act like the infallibles and try to put behind their carnal desires in the New Year. He also congratulated the anniversary of the birth of Imam Hussein (as) and the awaited Imam, Imam al-Mehdi (as).

Tuesday, March 20, 2012 08:51

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