An Intellectual Woman in the Imam’s Life

A note by Mrs. Zahra Eshraghi, Imam’s granddaughter

An Intellectual Woman in the Imam’s Life

This lady, in her great life beside the founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran played an important role in his successes.

Saturday, March 17, 2012 08:33

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Imam Khomeini brought independence for the Islamic Iran

Manouchehr Mottaki:

Imam Khomeini brought independence for the Islamic Iran

The speaker of the United Front of Fundamentalists said: “Imam Khomeini, in a time that suffocation of thought had become a culture in Iran, brought independence for the Islamic Iran.”

Tuesday, March 06, 2012 02:48

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A literature session was held about ``Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality`` in Kyrgyzstan

A literature session was held about ''Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality'' in Kyrgyzstan

The message of all prophets of God and the mission of the prophet of Islam was inviting mankind towards being alive and living or in other words moving from material world to the divine world. Imam Khomeini who was a student of this school of thought also invited every one to the same thing. Imam Khomeini, a character which is studied from different dimensions in the 21st century, is a unique divine leader. He was the one who made all souls joyful.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 02:14

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Renewing allegiance with the great leader of the revolution

People, officials and civilian and military authorities saluted to Imam Khomeini’s dignity, at the beginning of the decade of Fajr

Renewing allegiance with the great leader of the revolution

During the recent days and at the time of Iran’s Islamic revolution ceremony people and officials by attending at the holy shrine of Imam Khomeini saluted this wise leader.

Thursday, February 02, 2012 10:03

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A Gathering Discussing Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential School of Thought

Imam and Governance

A Gathering Discussing Imam Khomeini’s Jurisprudential School of Thought

The Imam’s opinion and views on governance and the difference between a fagih’s ruling and a governmental ruling are of great importance in jurisprudential governance. The Imam’s jurisprudential school of thought discusses the matter of governance, politics and power at length. Hujjat al-Islam Sa’eed Ziya’ei Fard, who is a howza intellectual and researcher, talked about the Imam’s jurisprudential school of thought at the gathering discussing Imam Khomeini’s jurisprudential school of thought.

Monday, January 09, 2012 09:18

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Imam’s prediction of the fall of Communism

Imam’s letter to Gorbachev

Imam’s prediction of the fall of Communism

On January the 1st 1989, Imam Khomeini sent a letter to Gorbachev, who is the ex-leader of the Soviet Union, and predicted the fall of communism. On the 26th of December 1991, three years after this letter was written, the world witnessed the fall of communism.

Wednesday, January 04, 2012 02:56

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The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 2

Protests all over the world

The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 2

Who would have believed that the dictatorships ruling the Arab world would fall one by one or that protests against capitalism would emerge in the West? What has really been shocking is the Western demonstrations against the economic policies of the world’s greatest powers. Instead of occupying, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans are now occupying Wall Street. It seems they have finally woken up and now seen the real world they are living in.

Friday, December 16, 2011 01:15

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The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 3

Protests all over the world

The Occupy Wall Street Movement - Part 3

Who would have believed that the dictatorships ruling the Arab world would fall one by one or that protests against capitalism would emerge in the West? What has really been shocking is the Western demonstrations against the economic policies of the world’s greatest powers. Instead of occupying, Vietnam, Afghanistan and Iraq, Americans are now occupying Wall Street. It seems they have finally woken up and now seen the real world they are living in.

Saturday, November 26, 2011 01:12

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