Hojatoleslam Moqaddam: ``Imam Tried to Prevent from Politics Being As a Tool for Gaining Power.``

An International Conference on ''Ethics and Politics in the Life of Imam Ali (a.s.) from the Viewpoint of Imam Khomeini''

Hojatoleslam Moqaddam: ''Imam Tried to Prevent from Politics Being As a Tool for Gaining Power.''

What Imam had brought for mankind was this that we can rule and not be separated from ethics, we can rule and respect civil rights of our society. We can live with respecting ethics and morality.

Tuesday, June 05, 2012 02:23

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Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

The Religious Minorities at Jamaran Husseinieh (Part III)

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: Believing in God is the Essence of Humanity

Hojatoleslam Sayyid Hassan Khomeini, who had attended among the religious leaders and scholars at the Jamaran Husseinieh, pointed to monotheism as the common point of all religions and stated: “Based on the Quranic verses, the followers of the divine books should all gather around one common point and that point is nothing but monotheism.”

Friday, June 01, 2012 01:26

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Mohammad Ali Ansari’s Press Conference

Details of Secretary of Imam Khomeini’s Commemoration Committee’s Press Conference

Mohammad Ali Ansari’s Press Conference

Imam’s demise anniversary should be the symbol of fulfillment of his dream of unity. Imam’s commemoration ceremony isn’t a ceremony for a group or movement to show their power but it’s a symbol of unity of all those who are faithful to Imam and his thoughts.

Tuesday, May 22, 2012 12:02

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The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session

Mohammad Ali Ansari: ''Honoring Imam Khomeini shouldn’t get faded''

The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session

The committee of honoring the 23rd anniversary of Imam Khomeini’s demise held their first session at Imam Khomeini’s holy shrine by the participation of Hojatoleslam Mohammad Ali Ansari secretary of the central honoring committee, commander in chief Ali Fazli, commander of Khatam-ul-Anbia base and other committee chiefs, representers of ministries and different organizations.

Saturday, March 03, 2012 02:37

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A selection of Imam Khomeini’s sayings about the virtues of the Imams

A selection of Imam Khomeini’s sayings about the virtues of the Imams

Who ever has knowledge about the Islamic history, knows that each member of this family were a complete human being, or maybe even higher, a complete spiritual-divine human being, and that they have rose against those who wanted to vanish the poor.

Wednesday, February 29, 2012 02:36

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A literature session was held about ``Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality`` in Kyrgyzstan

A literature session was held about ''Imam Khomeini’s role and reviving spirituality'' in Kyrgyzstan

The message of all prophets of God and the mission of the prophet of Islam was inviting mankind towards being alive and living or in other words moving from material world to the divine world. Imam Khomeini who was a student of this school of thought also invited every one to the same thing. Imam Khomeini, a character which is studied from different dimensions in the 21st century, is a unique divine leader. He was the one who made all souls joyful.

Wednesday, February 22, 2012 02:14

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The Islamic awakening in the Arab countries is adapted by Imam Khomeini’s revolution

Archbishop “Mansour Damaskinos” leader of the Orthodox Christians in Brazil:

The Islamic awakening in the Arab countries is adapted by Imam Khomeini’s revolution

The archbishop of Orthodox Christians in Brazil considered the Islamic awakening wave in the Arab countries adapted from Imam Khomeini’s revolution and the Iranian nation’s fighting against the Shah’s dictatorship.

Sunday, February 19, 2012 02:06

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 Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

A member of Hizbollah’s central council:

Imam Khomeini’s invitation was in the continuance of the prophets’ invitations

Unity of the Muslim nation was among the principles and values which the prophet of Islam stressed on it and the dignity and authority of the Muslims will only reveal by the unity and solidarity against the common enemies.

Wednesday, February 15, 2012 11:39

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