President Raeisi to Biden: We will not be your milking cow

President Raeisi to Biden: We will not be your milking cow

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi has addressed US President Joe Biden, telling him Iran was freed more than four decades ago and is no longer under the control of US hegemony.

Friday, November 04, 2022 03:09

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Appeal for high turnout in Nov. 4 rallies to prove US, Israel defeat in recent anti-Iranian plots

Appeal for high turnout in Nov. 4 rallies to prove US, Israel defeat in recent anti-Iranian plots

Iran’s Islamic Revolution Guards Corps (IRGC) says massive demonstrations all across the country on November 4 to commemorate the National Day against the Global Arrogance would manifest the fiasco of latest US-Israeli conspiracies and hybrid war against the Islamic Republic.

Thursday, November 03, 2022 08:47

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Modeling the Decision-making Method of Imam Khomeini for the Officials and Managers of the Islamic Republic of Iran.

Modeling the Decision-making Method of Imam Khomeini for the Officials and Managers of the Islamic ...

In this article a model of Imam khomeini's decision making method has been used for the use of officials and managers of the Islamic republic of Iran. The purpose of which is to grow and promote the Islamic Republic. Also, Imam Khomeini's rational strategies and behavioral patterns have been examined from various perspectives.

Tuesday, October 25, 2022 11:17

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Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

Disarmament, Weapons Control and Defense Diplomacy in the Views and Thoughts of Imam Khomeini.

In this article, as necessary, Imam Khomeini's defense military views and ideas will be discussed, specifically in the field of disarmament and arms control. The main purpose is to answer the basic question: "What was the goal and meaning of Imam Khomeini's approach to disarmament and arms control? The temporary answer is that Imam Khomeini was thinking about weapons of mass destruction, Disarmament, and controlling the conventional weapons of arms.

Monday, October 24, 2022 03:33

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Leader says unipolar world order losing legitimacy, calls for Muslim unity

Leader says unipolar world order losing legitimacy, calls for Muslim unity

Leader of the Islamic Revolution Ayatollah Seyyed Ali Khamenei says the unipolar world order in which one or two states impose their will on other countries is no longer accepted.

Friday, October 14, 2022 01:35

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Iran’s President Raeisi says foreign interference no solution to regional problems

Iran’s President Raeisi says foreign interference no solution to regional problems

Iranian President Ebrahim Raeisi has censured Western governments’ interference in the West Asia region, saying foreign meddling cannot be a solution to regional problems and only exacerbates them.

Friday, October 14, 2022 11:23

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