Imam Khomeini warned against becoming aggressive during academic discussions

Imam Khomeini warned against becoming aggressive during academic discussions

Imam Khomeini advised the seminary figures and scholars to remain calm and exercise patience during the discussions. Imam explains if you see that the other party is justified in its argument, you are expected to admit your fault and confirm what opponents say.

Sunday, January 28, 2024 06:45

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Imam Khomeini`s ideals continue to inspire Palestinians and world freedom-seeking movements

Imam Khomeini's ideals continue to inspire Palestinians and world freedom-seeking movements

Dr. Ali Komsari, the head of institute, during his visit to Iraq has held a series of meetings with prominent figures to discuss ways to promote Imam Khomeini's works and ideals.

Friday, January 19, 2024 11:48

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Imam Khomeini warned nations about the dangers of Israel

Imam Khomeini warned nations about the dangers of Israel

In March 1963, Imam Khomeini wrote a letter about the danger of Israel to the various unions and associations in Qom.

Sunday, January 14, 2024 11:35

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Imam`s letter to the Soviet Union leader contained much wisdom and sound advice

Imam's letter to the Soviet Union leader contained much wisdom and sound advice

Imam Khomeini then suggested that, if Mikhail Gorbachev desired to become more familiar with Islamic concepts, the Soviet leader should command his scholars to study the philosophical works of al-Farabi, Avicenna, Sohravardi and Mullah Sadra to become familiar with the “nature of knowledge” which is different from the “nature of matter.”

Tuesday, January 09, 2024 06:38

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Imam Khomeini believed that all human beings have dignity

Imam Khomeini believed that all human beings have dignity

The late founder of the Islamic Republic of Iran, Imam Khomeini (RA), believed that all human beings have dignity and their freedom should be respected.

Saturday, December 16, 2023 08:08

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