Imam Khomeini, a Godly scholar

Imam Khomeini, a Godly scholar

The editor in chief and an Urdu news paper

Monday, October 02, 2023 03:02

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One of the moral maladies is maltreatment of other people, Imam Khomeini explained

One of the moral maladies is maltreatment of other people, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that one of the moral maladies is the maltreatment of the people of his household, his neighbors, his colleagues and others around him.

Saturday, September 16, 2023 11:54

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Imam Khomeini explained how the secrets of this world are to be unveiled

Imam Khomeini explained how the secrets of this world are to be unveiled

Imam explained how human are mistaken to consider the world of the hidden realities, where the secrets of this world are to be unveiled and your deeds are to be disclosed,

Saturday, September 16, 2023 10:33

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Believer never backbites, never slanders others, Imam Khomeini explained

Believer never backbites, never slanders others, Imam Khomeini explained

Imam Khomeini through his theological works explained that a faithful person never backbites, never slanders others, and he is never vengeful or envious of his brothers in faith.

Thursday, September 14, 2023 10:40

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Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of Ashura, `Arbaeen, Millions convene in Karbala on Arba’een Day

Imam Khomeini highlighted significance of Ashura, 'Arbaeen, Millions convene in Karbala on Arba’een ...

The late founder of the Islamic Republic frequently stressed that the Islamic Revolution had been inspired by the uprising of Imam Hossein ('a) and its spirit should be kept alive forever.

Tuesday, September 05, 2023 12:37

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Seyyed Hassan Khomeini stresses need for paying attention to people economy

Seyyed Hassan Khomeini stresses need for paying attention to people economy

The grandson of the late founder of the Islamic Republic in a meeting with the president has stressed the need for following footsteps of Imam Hossein (‘a), the doyen of martyrs, and paying attention to people economic need.

Wednesday, August 23, 2023 09:42

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 Imam Khomeini remains symbol of change in contemporary world

Imam Khomeini remains symbol of change in contemporary world

A South African official says the late founder of the Islamic Republic has remained the symbol of change in contemporary history and a source of aspiration worldwide.

Monday, August 21, 2023 01:38

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