Imam Khomeini explained that as long as self-love lies embedded in his essence, he will not reach the station of the sincere (mukhlisun) and the lovers of God.
Sunday, December 12, 2021 09:54
Extracted from selected quotations
Monday, December 06, 2021 05:51
Monday, December 06, 2021 10:15
Imam Khomeini through his theological works explains that if one follows the desires of the self and from the day he becomes acquainted with himself pays no attention to anything other than the dark wilderness.
Saturday, August 21, 2021 01:22
Imam Khomeini stressed that this world, with all its superficial splendor and glitter is too insignificant to be worthy of love.
Saturday, July 31, 2021 12:58
Imam Khomeini called for deep thinking into the prayers and supplications of His chosen servants and the infallible Imams (peace be upon them)
Thursday, April 22, 2021 12:47
According to Imam, attention to other than God covers man with veils of darkness. If any worldly affair is a cause for man’s attention to be directed toward the world and to neglect God, the Exalted, it raises dark veils.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 05:49
Imam Khomeini advised believers to always asked God Almighty, grant them the capacity to realize their responsibilities.
Wednesday, April 21, 2021 01:01