Composure of the Imam radiated peace to all

Composure of the Imam radiated peace to all

Composure of the Imam radiated peace to all: Ayatullah Khamene'i

On the day of the Imam's arrival, we who were holding a sit in demonstration at the university went to the airport to see the Imam. All were happy in the car and were overjoyed. Out of concern for the dangers that could possibly confront the Imam, I was shedding tears uncontrollably and did not know what might happen to him because there were threats too. Then we went and entered the airport terminal and the Imam arrived. As soon as the cool and composed figure of the Imam appeared, all our worries and anxieties were totally forgotten. The Imam had with his composure had radiated peace and calm to me and perhaps too many other who were apprehensive. When after prolonged years, I visited the Imam there, I felt as if the exhaustion of all those years had vanished from my body.[1]

[1]Composure of the Imam radiated peace to all: Ayatullah Khamene'i

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