``Imam Never Turned Back to the Arab World``

Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah on the Specifications of Imam Khomeini’s Leadership:

''Imam Never Turned Back to the Arab World''

The General Secretary of Lebanon’s Hizbollah said: “Having a serious effort on the issue of Palestine and Qods from the beginning of the Islamic revolution has been a principle standing of Imam Khomeini and he never accepted negotiating about this issue.”

Sunday, July 22, 2012 03:14

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The Anniversary of the Demise of Imam Khomeini Observed in Cuba

The Anniversary of the Demise of Imam Khomeini Observed in Cuba

Iranian Ambassador to Cuba named Imam’s piety and conduct as the main wealth of the Islamic revolution and the base of all its achievements at the ceremony held to commemorate Imam Khomeini.

Thursday, June 07, 2012 02:29

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``Imam Never Turned Back to the Arab World``

Sayyid Hassan Nasrallah on the Specifications of Imam Khomeini’s Leadership:

''Imam Never Turned Back to the Arab World''

The General Secretary of Lebanon’s Hizbollah said: “Having a serious effort on the issue of Palestine and Qods from the beginning of the Islamic revolution has been a principle standing of Imam Khomeini and he never accepted negotiating about this issue.”

Wednesday, June 06, 2012 01:55

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The Presence of Different People at Jamaran

The Presence of Different People at Jamaran

Different groups of pious and knowledgeable people with their love to Imam were present at the Jamaran Husseinieh and renew their allegiance with late Imam.

Sunday, June 03, 2012 01:49

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Imam Khomeini; Brought People Closer to Politics

Imam Khomeini; Brought People Closer to Politics

Each year the month of Khordad (June) brings the memories a person who has had a great role in the thinking apolitical life of Iranians. For sure we could name him “Teacher” of fiqh, politics and mystics. Imam was successful to bring a new horizon by innovation and creativity in the fields of “Thoughts” and “Politics”.

Sunday, May 27, 2012 01:33

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Imam never relied on superstitions

Sayyid Hassan Khomeini: All together” was Imam’s motto

Imam never relied on superstitions

''All of Imam’s behaviors were based on human rationality and he never relied on superstition and irrational issues in his personal, political and social decisions.''

Saturday, April 14, 2012 09:38

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Holding a National Conference on ``Imam Khomeini, Ethics and Policy of Governing``

Holding a National Conference on ''Imam Khomeini, Ethics and Policy of Governing''

A national conference on “Imam Khomeini, Ethics and Policy of Governing”, will be held on April 18th at Azad Islamic University of Damghan.

Saturday, April 07, 2012 09:33

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Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

Sayyid Ahmad’s political thoughts

In any society based on situations and conditions, thoughts and ideas are developed, and if these thoughts become stable and active they could change to rules for the officials. After the victory of the Islamic revolution various thought were developed and one of them was Sayyid Ahmad’s thoughts. Through this article first we’ll discuss Sayyid Ahmad’s role in preserving the historical heritage of the revolution and Imam, then we’ll talk about his political thoughts as the most important principle in a ruling system based on Islamic principles. The important features in his political thoughts were people, freedom of thought and accepting criticism. He was among the first preachers of freedom of thought after the revolution.

Thursday, March 15, 2012 03:10

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