Who does March 16th remind us about?

Grand Ayatollah Fazil Lankarani : Sayyid Ahmad was Imam’s trustee

Who does March 16th remind us about?

17 years after the demise of Hojatoleslam Hajj Sayyid Ahmad Khomeini, the valuable relic of Imam Khomeini has passed and still the people of Iran have sorrow on his loss. He who especially after the martyrdom of Sayyid Mustafa, Imam Khomeini’s older son, kept all the secrets of Imam and had devoted his life in the path of the divine aspirations of the Islamic revolution.

Saturday, March 10, 2012 02:58

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Imam Khomeini was a unique Mystic

A German philosopher:

Imam Khomeini was a unique Mystic

Imam Khomeini wasn’t only a great Faqih but he was a great and unique mystic.

Friday, February 17, 2012 11:52

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